All Of You Is Welcome

Caring for your Body - Mind - Spirit within the containers of…

Coaching | Retreats | Courses


Body = Mind = Spirit

What we do for (or to) the body, we do for (or to) the mind and the spirit.

And vice-versa.

Seeking, creating, curating ways to bring ease into our body-mind-spirit leads us to soften in and throughout our day.  

Ease feeds our ability to trust our self and to act on our desires.  Trusting ourself and feeling the right and the ability to act on our sense of self sets a foundation for our serenity and joy.

Ease gives us the energy to move in the direction(s) of our self.

Soften your thoughts. 

Soften your words.  

Soften your actions.

And you shall find and be you.

Poloroid style photo of trees with sunset purples and reds in the background, all over a sparkly purple splash


Our sovereign self sees, celebrates and acts on who we are.

We feel free to be and breathe from the deepest corners of our soul.

We know.  We act.  We create from this depth of being.

We follow our knowings.

We trust ourself first.

Serenity and Joy

We are made of layers, we humans.  

Bringing ease into our Every Day (especially in the teeny, tiny ways)

frees our energies to walk and talk and breathe and be from our deepest, truest self.

As we exercise our agency, our trust in our self, to do and be and create what we love,

to be fully present in who we are as we are and who we’re with,

we slip into the channels of peace. 

Here, we meet our serenity.

Here, we sit with our joy as it shines out from within.

Independent of the swirls around us,

we see and move and sit in the stillness that is our truest self.

We love.  We give.  We gather.

And we share our serenity.

We share our joy.

We ARE our joy.

Isn’t a joy-filled life what we want most?

Hi. I’m Paula Gardner.

White woman with dark hair and dark glasses smiling at camera, holding up right hand which says 'breathe'