My Values

Respecting the interest of the client

I commit to being client-centered, to practice deep self-awareness so that my focus is entirely on my client.

Cause no harm

I commit to causing no harm, neither to my client nor to me. I will be transparent to my clients in as many ways as I know, including the awareness that another coach might be a better match, honoring their answer and my comfort level.

Duty to care

I commit to doing everything in my power to communicate and ascertain that my client understands that I am here to serve them in a supportive role—as co-creator, as cheerleader, as mirror, sounding board, tissue-holder.. I commit to trusting myself—not exclusively but first— to know which role my client most needs in any given moment and to ask my client for confirmation. And I commit to recusing myself from a situation if I find myself unable to care for my client for any reason at all.

Continuous professional development

I commit to applying my perpetual learner self to and regularly participating in courses, seminars, experiences that will build, deepen and enhance my coaching skills.

Active promotion of diversity

I commit to cultural competency. This includes seeking out and participating in activities that inform my passion for all people and promoting coaches of diverse racial and/or ethnic origin, always in service of my client and others seeking a coach.

Respect the law

I commit to knowing and honoring the law/s that apply to confidentiality, safety and any other matter that keeps my client as the focus of my care.

Personal Pledge

I promise:

to be fully present with my clients;

to honor their sovereignty and their inherent dignity;

to offer and make choices in our mutually best interests;

to trust myself to know which of my roles best suits my client’s needs in any given moment;

to listen and observe deeply to assess that my judgement of the above truly matches the situation.

I promise to live and offer what I believe—that radical care of the nervous system is responsible for a large part of our ability to feel worthy, safe, and capable of growing in the directions we desire and that I have the responsibility to teach, encourage, and support my client’s self-care.