My Books

Why do I write?  Why do I publish?  Why do I encourage YOU to write?

Writing, for me, is allowing myself to speak, whisper, scream, cry out loud…

whether or not anyone notices, whether or not anyone pays attention.

I am, therefore, I write.

I write, therefore, I am.

Writing has become an extension of my magic.

When I’m writing, I’m creating.

And what I write is more likely to become true because writing helps me put my intention and attention to work for me.

Even if it didn’t do that, writing has always helped me clarify who I am and where I want to go.  (And isn’t this part of the magic?!?)

It’s one of the reasons why writing plays some part in most of what I offer—coaching, courses, retreats…They all have pieces of writing in them.  Yours, Mine, and Ours.

Our writing is a way of our finding

our voices and setting them free. 

Setting US free.

Do you hear what I hear?

Are you listening?

I hear you…whispering your desires.

I hear you…screaming your pain, your frustrations, your disappointments.

I hear you…crying out loud with heartache, with fear, with confusion, with not knowing.

Many of us spend a lifetime seeking our Voice, our one Voice that represents all of who we are, have been, will be.

What if you could find “Your Voice” by exploring ALL of your voices—the voices of the many roles you play Every Day and the voices of the versions of your self that you’ve lived across your lifetime?

What if you could find Your Truth by being curious about your voices and the places inside you where your voices come from?

And what if...All Your Voices—Your Whispers, Screams, and Crying Out Loud— lead you to All Your Truths?

They can. They do. And here's help.

This inspiring and insightful collection of poems, prayers, and essays supports and guides you in your journey…

…to listen to Your Inner Knowing, Your Voices across Your Lifetime so that you may feel and know intimately and trust without hesitation Your Truths.

Your Voices Your Truths.

Author Paula Strupeck Gardner leads us in a retreat into our heart of hearts by opening up her soul so that we might hear our own soul…whispering, screaming, and crying out loud.

And feel the ease and peace that come from listening to and trusting our Inner Knowing, no matter how far away from our self we believe we drifted.

It’s 3 a.m. You’re awake. Again.

◆ Maybe it’s because fear and anxiety overwhelm you, or

◆ Maybe you’re troubled by confusion and dismay over how you reacted during your day to everyday moments or

◆ Maybe you just don’t know.

Feelings gnaw at us, but we’re not able to identify or articulate them. Then, they haunt us, especially when we find ourself saying and doing things in our day that just don’t fit with what we want to say or do.

We rarely have the words to sort out these feelings much less empower them to lead us to a higher road of understanding and appreciation. We’re more likely to ignore them, giving them even more power over us.

And we’re even less likely to see the beauty in these feelings or in their lessons.

Paula Gardner has drawn from your heart and mine the words to express those feelings and "wrap these fears in wonder" by putting them in the form of prayer poems that acknowledge and then retool the fears to let us see their underbelly of beauty...and wonder.

Whatever Higher Power you pray to, or whatever Universal worship you might enjoy, these prayers will bring you a sense of peace and wonder that comes from reframing your fear and seeing it through the lens of the gift that you receive each time you choose to read one of these beautiful prayers.

You’ll find yourself in love rather than in despair. In fact, you’ll find enough here to last you a lifetime, for your insights will grow and expand with each reading and lead you to an ever-deepening appreciation of your heart, your mind, and your spirit, helping you feel at greater ease in your life.

Let these prayers lift you heavenward, for that is their purpose. Let Paula’s words draw you into your heart of hearts and help you find release and relief, laughter and love. Amen.

Have you heard that yoga can make a huge difference in your mobility, ease, and quality of life, but you can't get up and down from the floor to do it?

Don't have a nearby studio that offers yoga for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

Can't find a studio that understands MS?

Or honestly feel too self-conscious to try a class?

With this clear, concise, compassionate book, you now have access to the tangible benefits of yoga in the comfort and privacy of your home, on your schedule, at your pace.

Paula Strupeck Gardner leads you to and guides you through the transformative work that for over 20 years has helped her students gain greater flexibility of body and mind; the resilience that helps them thrive in the face of challenges from Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's, Myasthenia Gravis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Cancer, Lupus, and Rheumatoid Arthritis; and the peace that results from their regular chair yoga practice.

Since yoga is for everyone, this book is equally helpful to people who, for any reason, can't or don't want to get up and down from the floor - seniors, those with injuries, or those working at a desk.

In addition to the 25 yoga poses you can do sitting in a chair, you'll find:

◆ guided, soothing breath work to feel more in control of your emotional responses to day-to-day challenges

◆ photos to help you see how to do the poses

◆ access to free videos that you can practice along with

Begin with one simple move, and enjoy a cascade of feeling good, feeling more in control of your emotional responses to day-to-day challenges, feeling energized - starting today!