
I have always seen the role of Teacher as a Facilitator, a person who supports and eases your growth. 

Forty plus years of teaching have reinforced how essential this is to your success.

My courses—online and in person—empower

you to dream your dreams

and live your life

as your deepest, truest self.

“Highly practical examples and applications…”

is how my students experience my course offerings.

Cafe image. Coffee makings, pastry plate, and small potted plant on table. All looking into background into windows.
Paula makes all the ‘woo-woo’ accessible to us everyday people.

You have given me so many ways to bring rest to my mind, body, spirit.

All I can say is thank you.
— AP

Recorded courses are available throughout the year.

Live sessions are available to members of my community. 

You can join my community for free by clicking here and completing the form.

Current Course Offerings


Current Course Offerings ||

White woman on wooden floor stretching
Grape sparkles splash

31 Days of 31 Ways to Find Ease, Energy, & Joy in Your Every Day Life

How to create rest in the littlest moments of your life (without adding to your to-do list!).


White woman on large tree stump, smiling into camera. Background looking over valley & trees
Grape and strawberry colored sparkly splash

Taking Your Day from ARGHHH to AHHHH

This is also offered as a retreat and as a corporate workshop.


Letters with stamps and postal marks
Dark grape sparkles splash

Penpals for Life

Offered twice a year, I engage via the old-fashioned method of writing letters to those who enroll.

$55 (US Residents)

Available for those outside the US too.

White woman walking along waters edge at the beach, with playful pup chasing after her
Raspberry colored sparkles splash

REST: Restoring Ease and Energy, Serenity, and Trust of Yourself

A 90-day Adventure into Loving Your Whole Self.

$357 (Self-Guided Tour - US)

$657 (With live sessions - US)

White woman snuggled in blankets with hand on a sleepy pup
Cream & light purple sparkly splash

Restorative Yoga

Whether you’re a yoga teacher, a health professional or a regular person, this is an excellent hands-on course to teach you how to use the poses and the science behind the practice to create greater ease in your life for yourself and for your clients.

Participants receive a certificate of completion of 20 hours. CE credits for members of Yoga Alliance with additional assignment and fee.

$557 ( + CE fee of $50)

White woman holding something up to the camera and smiling

Breathing Room

 A kind and gentle approach to breathing (aka pranayama).


White woman in maroon coverup standing in calf-deep ocean water with arms spread wide to the sky

Letting the Pelvis Lead

We are taught to ignore/deny our body. It has been considered a badge of honor to have a “high threshold for pain.” The pelvis is the foundation of our movement and of our ability to trust ourself first.

This course leads you through physical and energetic approaches to disentangle yourself from that mindset empowering you to begin movement, energy, and trust of yourself in your foundation.


White woman with arms held upward, standing in front of Machu Picchu
Grayish purple sparkly splash

Creating Your Retreat

Are you aching to guide a retreat of your own?

This is available as 1:1 coaching and as a small group offering.

Whiteboard with red and black markers in foreground
Strawberry & cream colored sparkly splash

Corporate / Large / Small Group Workshops

Available at select times through the year to groups of 20 - 200.

Fees start at $100