HOW do I have all the time in the world?

“I have all the time in the world.”

If you’ve been with me for any amount of time at all,

you’ve likely hear me use and

advocate the use of this phrase,

“I have all the time in the world.”

I discovered it one day

when I had FORCED myself away from work,

put my Golden Retriever Hera in the back seat of the van

(You can see it was a while back—I haven’t had a van for years

and it’s Athena who now accompanies me.)

and drove the 6 minutes to the woods

so that I could offer myself a brief retreat.

I felt over the edge of the abyss of stress,

hanging maybe by a thread,

a threadbare thread at that.

And just before I turned into the parking lot,

these words came to me,

“I have all the time in the world.”

And I made myself say them out loud.

Three times,

because three is a magical, mystical number in most of our histories.


I know it seems weird,

maybe even delusional,

but something in me shifted.

Shifted BIG time.

I don’t remember how long or how far

Hera and I walked that morning.

But I DO remember,

coming home,

feeling spacious and

free and


and ease-filled

and ready and able to do the everything

that had been weighing so heavily on me

before I took myself and Hera to the woods for a retreat.

We tend to think of retreats only in the abstract and far away.

We can make a retreat of any moment in our day that we choose to do so.

And my saying,

“I have all the time in the world.”

is one way that I have found

that tells my brain (and, therefore, my nervous system)

that is do NOT have to feed the anxiety;

that I CAN pause.

In fact, when I DO pause,

it expands my capacity to do…

whatever I have on my plate…

and often,

BEYOND what’s on my plate.

Saying this phrase,

“I have all the time in the world,”

reconfigures SOMEthing in my brain

and I stop telling myself things like,
”I will never get all this done”

”I have way too much to do today.”

”Why did I take on so much?”

or any variation on this theme.

Does it reduce the number of items on my to-do list?


Does it push back the deadlines?
Absolutely not.

How, then, do I have all the time in the world?

My Quantum Physics friends tell me that saying this phrase,
”I have all the time in the world,”
takes my brain to a place where I tap into our human capacity
to stretch and expand time
because of our perceptions-in-the-moment of time.

MY answer is, “I don’t know.”

But it works.

Instead of rushing and making mistakes;

Instead of pushing myself and overlooking things
because I feel rushed (Have I mentioned that I’ve broken up with rushing?);

Instead of agonizing and punishing myself,
belittling and/or shaming and/or criticizing and/or all of the above,

I feel my breath deepen.

I feel my mind clear.

I feel my energy grow and even soar sometimes!
I always feel greater and deeper ease.

All of this allows me to stay focused in the moment

on the moment,

on the work that I’ve chosen to do or help with or…

And, therefore,

“I have all the time in the world.”

There IS a deadline: January 31, 2025.
The 1000 Euros OFF the cost of Serenity in the South of France, 2025 goes away that day.

But here’s what I REALLY encourage you to to if you’re thinking about joining me,
wondering how, worrying about if…

Say, lovingly, out loud to yourself (because what we say to ourself and how we say it
matters most of all )

”I have all the time in the world.”

Say, lovingly, out loud to yourself,
”I release this decision to (God, the Divine, Source, the Angels, the Universe, whichever
is most meaningful to you) and trust that my highest good will be reflected in what I choose.”

And remember:

If dreaming is all you can do right now, please let it be enough.

If you’re asking yourself if these retreats are for you—

Wisconsin in July


France in September

then, please, go to those links and try my practice of these two phrases:

”I have all the time in the world.”


“I release this decision to..
and trust that my highest good is reflected in what I choose.”

And then?

Go for a walk
sit by the window and take in the beauty of all that is around you

take in all the beauty that is you!!

Write me back and let me know how this goes for you.



Anatomy of a “Doing It Anyway” Moment


Our Lady Of Sweet Rest