A Blessing On THIS Day

A Blessing on this day, this walk, this moment:

May I honor this body

by listening to what she needs in this moment,

in this right-here-right-now—

a drink of water,

a slower pace,

a pause to rest for a breath or two,

a trip to the bathroom (How many times do you wait til you absolutely, positively must go?!?!)

May I care for this anxiety,

by being curious about

and then listening to

and learning to understand that

by bringing my awareness

over and over and over again

to the breath and the body in this moment,

in this right-here-right-now,

I ease and soothe

at least a little bit of the

crushing, squeezing, clenching of my






May I be fully present right-here-right-now

in THIS moment,

with THIS person (me, first; THEN the person I’m with, THEN the two of us together, holding both AT THE SAME TIME right-here-right-now)

with this breath, this story, this Being.

May a Blessing be felt

by each Being who reads it

and by each Being in THEIR days,

in THEIR moment,

in THEIR right-here-right-now.

With Love,


©2025 paulaksgardner


You’re Worth…


Do You Trust Yourself?