Do You Trust Yourself?
Do you trust yourself first?
Not exclusively, but FIRST?
Do you agonize over the smallest decision,
feeling it LOOM LARGE over your head and heart
as though someone’s life depended upon it?
Do you know this feeling?
Out to dinner.
You ask around the table, “What are you ordering?”
before you ask yourself “What do I feel like eating?
”What do I have a taste for?”
Standing in front of your clothes,
deciding what to wear today.
How long does it take you to get to the questions,
”How do I want to feel today?”
”What do I want to wear?”
You’re invited to an event.
Do you EVER ask yourself,
”Is this right for me?”
”How does this feel in my body?”
”Do I WANT to go?”
I know these scenarios well, too well!
It’s taken me years
to get to a space of reminding myself to remember
to ask myself
To TRUST myself FIRST.
It is a practice.
So, today, I’m asking you,
Is it time to come on retreat with me?
When you read those words,
what do you feel in your body and where?
Is there a wishing?
EMBRACE the wishing.
Feel it in your body. Notice WHERE in your body, you feel this wishing.
Let the wishing reveal something to you about you.
Cherish the wish.
and the thing it reveals.
Cherish YOU.
Only YOU know your answers.
Is your answer a hearty, resounding OUI/YES?
Is your answer oui to France in September? Register here before Friday, 1/31 to receive 1000 Euros OFF.
Is your answer yes to Summer Camp in Wisconsin in July ? Register here ASAP because space is very limited.
Rejoice in your answer as it is today.
And take care of your answer.
Take care of YOU.
With Love,