Before you add to your to-do list….
Read this first!!!
Before you add one more thing to your to-do list,
I invite you to consider this:
When you PAUSE to reconsider, before you jump in,
you make some space in yourself
for your self
to wonder and wander
in your thoughts.
And they, the thoughts,
remind you to remember
that you are sacred...
as sacred as those
for whom you add to your to-do list.
when you pause to reconsider,
you grant yourself the grace
to give yourself a more spacious place.
You have a wider range of gifts to choose from.
This holiday season (and always!)
my wish for you
is that you remind yourself to remember
that you.
And that Serenity
lies in the pause
and the breath
and the sweet refuge
of your heart of hearts
when you
grant yourself the gift
Give yourself some love.
Grant yourself some space.