How will you pause?

You know how you get bleary-eyed and can’t take any more information in when you’ve been in a museum for a long time?

That’s how I’m feeling right now.
I’m preparing diligently for my coaching certification panel.
It takes place this Wednesday.

And my eyes are weary. My bottom is weary. My mind is full.

And so,

TODAY, I’m pressing pause.

I’m NOT pushing through. That would serve only to make me more tired

and less able to focus.

TODAY, I’m offering myself Reiki to help me fully savor and realize this rest.

Why self-reiki?

Why Reiki?

Because Reiki is love.

And what better way to rest

than in the arms of love?!

Think of your toddler, exhausted from their day of absorbing and playing and taking it all in and laughing and and and…

And how the comfort of your lap and/or your shoulder is just the right amount of softness to induce deep ease to where they often fall asleep…

Think of your friend,

whose hand you held while she underwent her treatment

And how your presence and your physical touch allowed her breathe more easily

and with a greater sense of safety…

which allowed her to close her eyes and sink into ease,

into softness.

I imagine you can think of so many examples of offering or feeling the care

and how afterwards, you felt boosted, calm, serene, cared for, loved.

This is why I’m choosing Reiki for me this afternoon as I press pause.

Self-reiki gives me a flexible structure of care.
I use it as a ritual of self care which means it imbues me with the same sense of sacredness that I imbue it with.

Self-reiki allows me to touch my head, my face, my throat, my heart center, my stomach, my legs and feet, offering love to each part of this sacred body-mind-spirit.

Self-reiki allows me (ok, some days it MAKES me) to receive.

Reiki is relaxing.

It helps me stay healthy.

It helps me heal.

It helps me practice wonder and awe at the world around me.

It helps me listen deeply

It helps me think clearly.

It helps me create.

It helps me re-energize.

It soothes my anxiety…even if it’s only for the time of the reiki.

It opens my mind and my heart.

It helps me practice remember

and it helps me sort through those  memories.

It helps me forgive.

It helps me forgive myself.

It helps me accept and celebrate the world and the people in it as they are.

It helps me move with greater intention.

It helps me make healthier food choices.

It helps me breathe.

Reiki helps me in soooo many ways.

And by helping myself in all these many ways,

I know I help the world as well.

Because, each of us, just as we are is so important

just as we are.

You matter.

That is all.


p.s. I’ll be back to my preparations renewed. And since I’m committed to honoring myself, my Teachers, my Coaches, my Cohort, and my Clients, I welcome the rest and all the good that comes from it!


Let’s Procrastinate!