Starting Here Starting Now


(Originally Published 1 / 17/ 22)

The tiniest steps will take us where we want to go FAR FAR FAR better than the most gigantic steps.

Here's why:

Our beautiful brain has a part that is devoted to keeping us safe (as it has successfully done for all of human existence).  This part, though, gets in the way of our changing things in some of the darnedest, most inconvenient, most discouraging ways.

For example:

People come to me and say they want to learn to meditate.  They've been trying for years on and off.  But they just can't make it stick.

I'm saying this next sentence with absolute compassion and absolutely no trace of irony or judgment because this phrase soothes me like nothing else.

Here it is:

How human of me.  

How human of us.

How human of you.

When we insist on taking on big, hairy goals. When we try to start by taking giant steps, we pretty much assure ourself that we will fall down.

Change comes in little increments.  It's the compound effect.  Small...when we keep putting one foot in front of the other...becomes large becomes larger still and keeps growing so long as we keep going.

So, let's begin tiny.

Here’s how to best sit so that your physical body feels supported and can support you in your commitment to sitting...and work around that part of the brain that says and keeps saying, "I can't.  It's too hard.  It takes too much time.” 

On a chair:  Sit forward on a chair so that you’re not leaning against the back of the chair.  Bring your belly button gently into your body, in the direction of your spine.  At the same time, gently lift your heart and lengthen your sides.

On the floor:  Place a cushion so that you sit on its corner.  Your pelvis will tilt gently forward.  Put pillows or blankets or blocks under your knees.  Gently lift your heart. 

As you sit, feel the sensations of your breath in and your breath out.  Just let the breath come and go.  This will soften you while you sit. 

There is nothing sacred about meditating for an hour. 

There is everything sacred about YOU and honoring YOU.

Isn’t it amazing how good you feel after just a few minutes.

Join me in taking the first tiny steps toward you.

Many Blessings Always


Angel Sullivan

i’m a little bit woo-woo and a little bit rock-n-roll, and both (all) of those parts of me come into play in my work of bringing you back to the fullest expression of who you came into this life to be. let’s dance, starlight. ✨

Take. Up. Space.


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