Take. Up. Space.
(Originally Published 3/22/23)
This was my dharma talk for this morning's early-morning yoga:
I invite you to consider the intention of taking up space, of expanding your heart, your soul, your mind, your Being beyond the confines of your mat.
When we hold the poses, when we pause between the breaths, I invite you to visualize yourself growing...
longer, taller, wider, bigger, reaching out and up and over and beyond...
I know--sadly--that we put a LOT of energy into making ourselves small, smaller, smallest.
We pour ourselves into shrinking. This isn't necessarily about weight...although it might be. (Maybe we need to think about this...another time.)
But right here, right now, this is about you as you are right here right now. Your presence in time and space. You--on and off the mat. Your energy and where you choose to direct it.
I invite, I IMPLORE you to direct your energy to taking up as much space as you possibly can this morning...and beyond.
You are worthy.
(And if that word--worthy--makes you uneasy in any way, I invite you to bring that uneasiness into our practice, too. It deserves and needs a place at our table and on and off our mat. YOU deserve space and a place at our table and on and off the mat.)