The Orange-ness of it all!


(Originally published on 5/13/23)

This morning, I grabbed a sweater from my closet. It’s one that I wore when my boys were in middle school—light orange, light weight. I don’t remember the last time I wore this sweater. 

But back then? I wore it a LOT.

Today, that “a lot” visited me as visceral sensations.

I felt something for a bit. And then for a longer bit.

When I say “for a bit,” that something identified itself as a shimmer, a glimmer,

a shiver even of Paula-as-she-was-in-that-moment when the boys were in middle school.

Wearing orange was a way to feel empowered,





in touch,

noticing feelings.

Every parent/relative/neighbor of a middle school child knows why these things might be important.

Wearing orange was a way to feel into the second chakra,

that inner whirling dervish of emotion and everything related to emotion;

to acquire the ability to flow.

It was a way to access the state of grace 

where my emotions live in harmony with the body, the mind, the spirit.

And I did all of that in those moments without the explicit, conscious intention of doing so.

I did it by instinct and by listening to my instinct.

So, today, when I felt that shimmer, glimmer, shiver-even,

I was reminded of how my Inner Knowing knows,

even when I do not.

I was reminded of how I can access that Inner Knowing in a variety of ways 

and in all circumstances.

This particular sweater let me know today that my clothes reflect me and make me. I’m not ready to let her go even though she has stains on the sleeves at the hands. Those stains are also on my heart. 

I may not be ready to let her go, this sweater, but I AM ready to receive what she brought me today—an extended moment of feeling the physical sensations behind the feelings, that is the physical manifestations of emotions that accompany feeling creative, strong, playful, centered.

I AM ready to receive and acknowledge the power of our “costume” in living the role(s) we choose and when we choose to live them.

What an amazing experience those few minutes were as I sat in the car at a stoplight wearing the light orange, lightweight sweater of my children’s mother in a moment of her and their life.

Would you love to know more about what it means to and how you could also access your Inner Knowing? How you could use all that you are and do and have to live in ways that bring ease and energy and joy to you?

Sign up for my newsletter, GraceNotes, here.

Let’s get this orange delight started for YOU!

Many Blessings,


Angel Sullivan

i’m a little bit woo-woo and a little bit rock-n-roll, and both (all) of those parts of me come into play in my work of bringing you back to the fullest expression of who you came into this life to be. let’s dance, starlight. ✨

Let’s Procrastinate!


Take. Up. Space.